It really pisses me off when they post a picture from my bad side.
drahcir yarrum
JoinedPosts by drahcir yarrum
Does the FBI have a file on you?
by patio34 indoes the fbi have a file on you?
be prepared for a real surprise at this site... .
an attorney i know gave me this site, i thought you might find it interesting.
Were you ashamed of being a witness?
by sleepy inwere you ashamed of being a witness?.
how did you feel about identifing yourself as a jehovahs witness to others?.
i often used to hide it because of the stigma attacthed to it.. was anyone actually proud to be one?
drahcir yarrum
I was never ashamed because I did believe it was the truth. However, I was embarrassed on a number of occasions growing up and especially in high school. I know that I was considered odd by other students who didn't even know me that well. The students who did know me got along with me well.The only thing I didn't do that the other kids did in high school was get laid. Of course anything I did do was without the knowledge of my parents or the other members of the congregation.
All in all, the whole experience of growing up as a JW is cruel and unusual.
Gays and Witnesses share convention facilities!
by CPiolo inmy wife went to her assembly this weekend in long beach.
after returning she shared with me that they shared the convention facilities with a function for gays.
on top of that accross the way was some sort of rock festival.. it appears satan was everywhere .
drahcir yarrum
Why gays would want to lower themselves to share a facility with JW's is beyond me! And I'm not being facetious.
Does Watchtower Society monitor this board?
by Quotes ini've seen it mentioned many times in many threads: "the society monitors jwd, don't post anything you don't want them to know etc.
i have even made that point myself in the past.. my question is this: does the wtbts monitor this discussion board?.
or have we all been propagating our own xjw urban myth?.
drahcir yarrum
Now you people have made me start to worry. Even the WTS can figure out my real name from my UserName here. Since I was once at Bethel, they have a file on me. They may have WTS secret agents sniffing around my neighborhood trying to do me harm. Oh my! What am I going to do?
Are there any twenty something, attractive, apostate females I could hide out with until the danger has passed. Please let me know. I can be packed and ready to leave in a minutes notice.
drahcir yarrum
Top 10 ways to get rid of Dubs at the door
by absolutelynoone in10. when they ask, "can i talk to you about god?
" reply, "sure, what would you like to know?
9. answer the door with a bloody knife and say, "i'm sorry, could you come back in a half hour?
drahcir yarrum
Whatever you do, DON'T send your pre-teen children to the door naked. You may NEVER get rid of them then.
What's the one thing you miss about the WTS?
by Naeblis inthere are times when ilook back fondly on my days in the witnesses, especially when i think on the congregation get togethers we would have every once in awhile (not too often) people from our hall and sometimes others would show up (not too many) and good times were had by all.
this is how the schedule usually went.. 8pm: arrive at the community centre.
8:05pm: scope the room.
drahcir yarrum
Seriously, I do miss some of the nice friends I had in my younger days, playing hearts and pinnocle on Saturday nights.
I miss thinking I had the ultimate answer for everything.
I miss NOT worrying about making a lot of money and amounting to anything in this life (the only one you get).
Greeting A New Neighbor
by drahcir yarrum inhere's the scenario and i need advise on how to handle this.
.. i found out this afternoon that a former jw and obvious apostate has moved in two houses down from me.
while i didn't know he or his wife when i was a jw, another friend of mine advised me of their arrival in the neighborhood.. should i:.
drahcir yarrum
Here's the scenario and I need advise on how to handle this. . .
I found out this afternoon that a former JW and obvious apostate has moved in two houses down from me. While I didn't know he or his wife when I was a JW, another friend of mine advised me of their arrival in the neighborhood.
Should I:
A. Invite them over to smoke some pot and some wife swapping?
B. Let them know that I'm also a former JW and frequent this forum?
C. Ignore them since they are probably disfellowshipped anyway?
D. Leave a dead cat on their porch.I welcome your suggestions.
Circuit Overseer online. Welcome to my pages
by Carlo inhi brothers and sisters.
i am a jw circuit overseer.
you are welcome to visit my pages.. http://www.angelfire.dom/ky/proclaimer.
drahcir yarrum
I read the article about Cats on Carlo's webpage. Our cat had 5 kittens last Tuesday and the article touched my conscience so much that I put all 5 of the little kitties in a pillow case and threw them in the lake behind the house.
The mother cat's eyes lit up like the fires of hell and little horns sprouted from her head. I chased her with a weed whacker for about 20 minutes but she escaped. I must kill her and any other cats in the neighborhood. Jehovah is speaking to my heart about this.
Congregation Letter 5-24-02
by silentlambs inchristian congregation.
of jehovah's witnesses.
2528 route 22 patterson ny 12563-2237 phone (845) 306 1100 .
drahcir yarrum
Here's a paragraph that I didn't see in this letter that I would like to have seen. I know this is wishful thinking on my part.
"All Jehovah's Witness children, friends of our children and parents of our children who become aware of physical and/or sexual child abuse in the congregation should immediately contact the appropriate authorities for a thorough investigation. Jesus placed special emphasis on our duty and obligation to look after our children. If we are not willing to do this, then are we worthy of calling ourselves Christians? We think not!"